Hello and welcome to The GTM Newsletter by GTMnow – read by 50,000+ to scale their companies and careers. GTMnow shares insight around the go-to-market strategies responsible for e
Industry experts and thought leaders use blogs to share their knowledge with interested parties like you. And, if the post was written well, chances are you came away with helpful
The dreaded day of mourning that every marketer (and if not every single one, then likely 95% of ‘em) hoped, prayed, and wished wouldn’t come, well, actually did. Unfortunately, on
Nine years ago, Shola Akinlade, Paystack’s CEO, bet on making online payments frictionless and that bet paid off with a $200 million acquisition by Stripe. Now, his startup is bett
Nigeria recorded the steepest decline in cash transactions to surpass six cash-reliant economies in the past decade thanks to the rapid adoption of digital payments and rising fint
When fintechs like Paystack and Flutterwave gained prominence between 2016 and 2019 to disrupt Nigeria’s financial sector, traditional banks had to innovate—or risk falling behind.