Google Search Console recipe rich result report adds two new properties

Google now supports two new properties for the recipes rich result report within Google Search Console. Google will now report on recipeInstructions and recipeIngredient. Previously, Google did now show warnings or errors related to recipeInstructions and recipeIngredient properties.

This would start showing in your reports on March 6, 2024.

What this means. Google said this may result in an increase in warnings for your recipe items within those Search Console rich result reports.

Google may show you errors and warnings you have not seen before, not because you made any changes but because now Google accurately reports on those two new properties.

What Google wrote. Google posted the news here saying:

Search Console is now reporting on two new properties in the Recipes rich result report: recipeInstructions and recipeIngredient. As a result, you may see an increase in warnings for your Recipe items. See the Recipe documentation for more information on specifying these fields.

Why we care. If you see a spike in new warnings in your recipe rich results, this is why. There is no reason to worry, you didn’t necessary make any changes to cause these warnings. But it is an opportunity to make the changes to reduce those and other warnings Google reports on.

Fixing these issues may help show more details of your recipes within Google Search.


Adeyemi is a certified performance digital marketing professional who is passionate about data-driven storytelling that does not only endear brands to their audiences but also ensures repeat sales. He has worked with businesses across FinTech, IT, Cloud Computing, Human Resources, Food & Beverages, Education, Medicine, Media, and Blockchain, some of which have achieved 80% increase in visibility, 186% increase in month on month sales and revenue.. His competences include Digital Strategy, Search Engine Optimization, Paid per Click Advertising, Data Visualization & Analytics, Lead Generation, Sales Growth and Content Marketing.

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